Please go to the and fill-in a form to register. You will receive an email to validate your email-id. Please read the instructions in the email to validate.
- On registration you would have received an email. Please validate your email by following instructions and clicking on the "Validate" button.
- Go to your profile and complete mandatory (marked with red asterisk *) fields.
- Aadhaar is optional.
- PAN number (Indians) and Passport number (Foreigners/ OCI Card holders) is required if making a payment to TSF.
- Upload your digital photo, minimum 200 x 200 pixels size, in jpg or png format.
Please visit: to reset your password.
Yes. You have to have a unique email-id and phone number that have not been used before for registering on the TSF App.
- Events Registration
- Accommodation Bookings for The Sacred Grove, Madanaplle Ashram, Wellness Centre
- Online Payment through multiple payment channels
- Review Latest Social Media Posts from TSF
- Make donations to TSF
- Many other activities and features are being currently developed that would benefit a seeker
- TSF Members can register through
- (a) Public URL of the event published on the TSF website; or
- (b) TSF App Dashboard or Navigation (Events).
- Registration may be done in multiple combinations:
- (a) Without Accommodation;
- (b) With Accommodation;
- (c) Group Registration (All participants should have a TSF UID);
- (d) With Children and/ or Parents who do not have a TSF UID
- Once the registration request has been submitted, a temporary booking ID is allotted and an email is received by the registrant.
- On allotment of a confirmed seat, a payment request email is sent. Payment is to be made within the time validity stated in the email. This information is also available on your Dashboard > My Events Bookings Page
- Please make online payment by clicking on the "Pay Now" button under Dashboard > My Events Bookings > Actions > Pay Now
- As soon event contribution / payment is settled, a confirmation email is sent to you.
- You may now download your Entry Pass to the event from Dashboard > My Events Bookings > Actions > Download
There is no limit. All participants should have a TSF UID.
No. Either you cancel this booking and make a fresh booking. Or make fresh bookings for the participants separately. All participants should have a TSF UID.
Yes. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Cardholder and a Foreign Passport Holder can register using their Indian residential address, and use a Foreign Passport as an ID while making a payment for a TSF event.
Yes. Children and Old Parents without having a TSF UID can join with you. Please add them when you make a booking as a primary registrant.
You are required to make a payment for your event booking within the given payment validity. Otherwise, your reserved seat is automatically cancelled and given to a waitlisted candidate. In rare circumstances, the event admin may consider an extension, if you contact him/ her before the end of your payment validity.
When some registered participant is unable to attend and decides to cancel, seats are released and wait-listed candidates can get a chance to be confirmed. Also, in the case if a registered participant doesn't make a payment withing validity, their seats are automatically released, and wait-listed candidates get a chance to be confirmed.
No. Partial cancellations are not allowed.
Yes. However, you are aware that TSF has a no-refund policy.
- TSF Members can book through TSF web app:
- (a) Login to TSF app using the TSF account (email and password);
- (b) Click on Madanapalle Ashram -> Overview navigation in the Left Navigation.
- Booking may be done in multiple ways:
- (a) Group Registration- (Primary participant should have a TSF UID, additional participants may or may not have a TSF UID);
- (d) With Children and/ or Parents who do not have a TSF UID.
- Once the booking request has been submitted, a temporary booking ID is allotted and an email is received by the participant.
- On allotment of a confirmed booking, a payment request email is sent. Payment is to be made within the time validity stated in the email.
- Please make online payment by clicking on the Pay Now button under Dashboard > Madanapalle Ashram -> My Events Bookings > Actions > Pay Now.
After payment, your booking tagged as 'Confirmed' booking
Yes, you can book max for three days.
30 days in advance
There is no limit. Primary participants should have a TSF UID.
No. Either you cancel this booking and make a fresh booking. Or make fresh bookings for the participants separately. Primary participants should have a TSF UID.
My children and old parents wish to accompany me. They do not have a TSF UID. Can they join with me?
Yes. Children and Old Parents without having a TSF UID can join with you. Please add them when you make a booking as a primary participants.
Yes. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Cardholder and a Foreign Passport Holder can register using their Indian residential address, and use a Foreign Passport as an ID while making a payment for a TSF event.
Yes. However, you are aware that TSF has a no-refund policy.